Punky, I agree with you the GB are delusional but not above recognizing that what they are doing is wrong. Perhaps though there is a private GB code where they never admit to being wrong even to each other and must stay the governing course till death?
I cannot think of another explanation for their own blind loyalty to this scumbag organisation.
I could not stop thinking about Loesch's talk on another thread where he said that going to university is like holding the trigger of a gun at your throat. When analysed rationally what does it say; you are dicing with death if you get higher education. What they actually mean is: don't get educated 'cos then you will realize our systematic indoctrination has been controlling your thinking and you will stop supporting our scam.
This prohibition on education by any standard is just bizzare. In the real world where JW thinking does not exist, to go to university is the biggest help you might ever have to get on in life and achieve your own chosen goals.
Smiddy said it, they only got one thing right: "Religion is a snare and a racket."